Treasure map

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Есенғали Сания Есенғалиқызы
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Treasure and Heritage

Treasure map

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Оқу мақсаттары (оқу бағдарламасына сілтемеу):  4.S3 give short, basic description of people and objects on a limited range of general and some curricular topics 4.S6 take turns when speaking with others in a limited range of short basic exchanges 4.R4 use with some support a simple picture dictionary 4.UE4 use determiners a, an, the, some, any, this, these, that, those to refer to things on a limited range of general and some curricular topics 4.UE8 use imperative forms (positive and negative) to give short instructions on limited range of familiar topics   
Сабақтың мақсаты:  All learners will be able to: • Give 2-3 correct answers to questions on the text; • Use 2-3 correct imperative directions in showing the direction in maps; • Give 1-2 ideas in identifying the direction to the treasure; Most learners will be able to: • Give 3-4 correct answers to questions on the text; • Use 3-4 correct imperative directions in showing the direction in maps; • Give 3-4 ideas in identifying the direction to the treasure; Some learners will be able to: • Give 5 correct answers to question on the text; • Use more than 5 correct imperative directions in showing the direction in maps; • Give more than 5 ideas in identifying the direction to the treasure;   
Тілдік мақсаттар: Use imperatives in communication
АКТ-ны қолдану дағдылары: Use of the projector
Пәнаралық байланыс:  Geography
Бастапқы білім:  Vocabulary on “Treasure map.”

Сабақ барысы

Сабақ кезеңдері Жоспарланған іс-әрекет Ресурстар

Сабақтың басы


 Lesson Opening & Warm-Up • Greet learners. • Practice imperatives with the learners. Ask learners: - Stand up - Stamp your feet - Turn left - Raise your hands - Turn right - Clap your hands - Turn left - Wave your hands - Turn right - Hug your friend Ask learners what they have practiced. Encourage them say “Imperatives”. You may remind the task with the text, where they found imperatives. • Introduce lesson objectives. • Ask them write the topic and the date in copybooks.  

Сабақтың ортасы


 Speaking about the text • Ask questions about Captain Gold tooth’s treasure they read in the previous lesson. Encourage learners to use Past Simple to answer the questions. You may give time to prepare answers in groups for learners. Ask learners the following questions: 1. What story did we read? (Captain Goldtooth’s treasure) 2. What heroes were in the story? (Captain Goldtooth and Parrot Tico) 3. What was the name of the ship? (“The golden wind”) 4. Where did they go to find treasure? (They sailed to Omotepe island near Lake Nicaragua) 5. What happened in the story? (They found the way to Captain Goldtooth’s treasure) Ask learners say directions they found in the text and learnt (go straight, turn left, turn right, go across the bridge, go through) *Differentiation: less able learners may give short answers or repeat the answers of more able learners. Direction prepositions • Show slide 3 and distribute handout 1 with more direction prepositions. Read them out with learners to practice pronunciation. • Show the treasure map on slide 4 with the treasure route and ask learners give directions to get to the treasure. Remind learners use articles a, an to show directions and too say the directions to the whole class. *Differentiation: teacher gives support less able learners  

Сабақтың соңы


 Speaking on maps • Distribute treasure maps to learners. Learners have different maps with the ready routes (P). Give them time to think and they tell the directions in the map to each other. The assessment criteria are on slide 5. The partners should check each other. *Differentiation: pair up less able learners with more able ones. “Blind treasure seeker” Beforehand hide two boxes with “Treasure in class. ”Divide the class into two teams and explain the assessment criteria of the game. Rule: In each team there is a pirate who is seeking the treasure. Sweets are treasure for teams. While the pirate is out of the room the other members of the team make up direction to their team pirate so that he can find the treasure in 2 minutes time. Then the team divides the direction imperatives so that each member take part. The blindfolded pirate listens to his team’s directions and finds the treasure. Should the guide make a mistake, he is out of the game. And if time is out they will lose the game. Assessment criteria: • All members take part (each says an imperative) • Be organized; • Don’t interrupt each other; • Don’t make a mistake in direction; • Be positive; • Get treasure in 2 minutes; *Differentiation: more able learners give support to less able ones in group work.   



 Reflection • What did you learn today? • What was easy/difficult? • What was the most interesting/boring thing for you today? Homework & Reflection Bring a small gift to a friend and hide it in class. Write directions and ask him/her to find that “treasure”.  


Файлды ару Treasure maps
