People and places

Мурумбаева Алия Асенжановна
Мурумбаева Алия Асенжановна
"№6 жалпы білім беретін орта мектеп жанындағы интернатпен" КММ
Английский язык
5 класс
Fantasy world

People and places

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People and places <p>5.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions </p><p> 5.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics (ex 1-2 p.26)&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during pair, group and whole class exchanges 5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics </p><p> 5.UE6 use plural form of nouns talking about people and places&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>5.UE5 use numbers to complete the factfile of a country (p27)</p>
Lesson objectives <p>All&nbsp; learners&nbsp; will&nbsp; be&nbsp; able&nbsp; to:</p><ul><li> understsand a sequence of supported classroom instructions</li><li>use appropriate vocabulary and syntax of the topic </li><li>ask simple questions to get information about the topiс&nbsp;&nbsp;</li></ul><p>Most learners will be able to:</p><ul><li>understsand a sequence of supported classroom instructions with little support</li><li>pronounce appropriate vocabulary and syntax of the topic correctly</li><li>ask simple questions to get information about the topic with support</li></ul><p>Some learners will be able to:</p><ul><li>understsand a sequence of supported classroom instructions without support</li><li>use appropriate vocabulary and syntax of the topic to make sentences</li><li>ask simple questions to get information about the topic without support</li></ul>
Assessment criteria <ul><li>learn and&nbsp; practise&nbsp; basic&nbsp; vocabulary</li><li>learn how to form plurals</li><li>learn and practise large numbers&nbsp;</li></ul>
Cross curricular links Geography, Maths
ICT skills Interactive&nbsp; board, e-book&nbsp;
Previous learning Unit&nbsp; revision

Ход урока

Этапы урока Запланированная деятельность на уроке Ресурсы


(10 min)

<p>Organizational&nbsp; moment&nbsp;</p><p>-Hello, boys and girls! How are you? </p><p> Warming up </p><p> It`s time to think </p><p> It`s time to speak </p><p> It`s time to show </p><p> Ready, steady, go!&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Dividing students into groups </p><p> Students come to the teacher`s table and take pictures of people and different places. According to their pictures they need to be divided into two groups: “People” and “Places”. They change their places. Learners choose their group leaders. Checking up home task&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Game “Hot microphone” Learners are given microphone and they check previous learning. They revise material of the previous unit (Reading for pleasure). There are given 12 questions for each person.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>1. “ Fairy Tale” in Kazakh. </p><p> 2. What kind of book do you like? </p><p> 3. “ Crime novel” in Kazakh. </p><p> 4. “Legend” in Kazakh. </p><p> 5. What is your favourite story? </p><p> 6. Complete the words in the lifeline: Born, ________, graduate from school </p><p> 7. Say the past form of the verb “ play” </p><p> 8. Say the past form of the verb “ go” </p><p> 9. Say the past form of the verb “ ask” </p><p> 10. Say the past form of the verb “ take” </p><p> 11. Say the past form of the verb “ help” </p><p> 12. Say the past form of the verb “ be”&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Learners`&nbsp; answers&nbsp; and&nbsp; actions</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>small&nbsp; pictures&nbsp;</p><p>microphone, cards</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p>


(25 min)

<p>Lead&nbsp; in&nbsp;</p><p>Teacher shows the video “People and places” and ask some questions about the video.</p><p> Explanation of a new material&nbsp; </p><p>Teacher introduces new vocabulary:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p>Baby, child, city, country, town, person, people, village, megapolis, man, woman. Learners drill these words in chorus and individually.&nbsp; Teacher explains new grammar with the help of video( plural form of regular and irregular nouns)&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p> </p><p>&nbsp;“T-chart” </p><p> Students fill the “T-chart” with the plural form of nouns. After doing each task learners should be shown extracts from the video “Wonders of the world”&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </p><p>Listening task</p><p> Learners listen to the CD track 29 from Class Audio CD1, English Plus” Our World” quiz. While listening they circle the correct answers on their books using pencils. After listening of the CD the second time teacher checks their answers by asking questions to the learners.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p>Using of large numbers </p><p> Teacher explains the meaning of some numerals: A hundred, a thousand, a million, a billion and so on.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Using electronic book “Wayahead” level 4. Learners come up to the board and type words on the keyboard/ write them down on the board.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Creative work “Cluster”</p><p> Learners complete the factfile about our country. They work in groups and complete the information for popular boys` and girls` names, capital city, population, languages, colours of flag, name of the president, holidays and holiday places, then present it.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Formative Assessment:Teacher monitors and assesses learners’ progress, gives praise and support learners. Also evaluation sheets are given to the group leaders. At the end of lesson marks are summed together.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p> <p>;&nbsp;</p><p>Video “Plurals and irregular nouns”</p><p>PPT</p><p><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><p><br></p><p>Class Audio CD1, English Plus&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>PPT</p><p>E-book “Wayahead” level 4</p><p><br></p><p>Handouts, markers, posters</p>


(5 min)

<p>Conclusion </p><p> Feedback and Reflection </p><p> “Blob Classroom” </p><p> Teacher gives handouts of “ Blob Classroom” and learners draw their feedback and feelings on these handouts. They hang them on the board.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><img src="/uploads/lesson_plans/5e26c617060da/images/5e26d24f26fba.png" style="width: 269px;"></p><p>Giving homework </p><p> Do exercises 1-3 from Workbooks.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Handouts

Дополнительная информация

<p>Differentiation</p><p>• Differentiation by support </p><p> More support will be given to weaker learners by giving them a modified worksheets in some tasks with greater support and clear instructions. Less able learners will be supported by more able learners in the group work activities.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Assessment&nbsp;</p><p>Formative Assessment:Teacher monitors and assesses learners’ progress, gives praise and support learners. Also evaluation sheets are given to the group leaders. At the end of lesson marks are summed together.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>


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