My future profession

Мария Годова Владимировна
Мария Годова Владимировна
Гимназия им.М.Горького
Английский язык
9 класс
Earth and our place in it

My future profession

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Learning objectives <p>CONTENT use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings; respect differing points of view. </p><p>LISTENING understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on the topic. </p><p> SPEAKING use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about the topic; respond with some flexibility at both sentence and discourse level to unexpected comments on the topic. </p><p> USE OF ENGLISH use a growing variety of future forms including present continuous and present simple with future meaning on the topic; use some reported speech forms for statements, questions and commands: say, ask, tell including reported requests&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
Differentiation <p>&nbsp;<b>All students</b> will be able to use Future Simple forms to speak about their future professions in 2-3 sentences; use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary (no less than 50%) and syntax to talk about work and jobs; use some reported speech forms for statements and commands. While listening understand the main points in unsupported extended talk </p><p> <b>Most of the students</b> will be able to use Future Simple, Present Continuous forms or “to be going to” structure to speak about their future professions in 4-5 sentences; use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary (no less than 75%) and syntax to talk about work and jobs; use some reported speech forms for statements, questions and commands and requests. While listening understand details in unsupported extended talk. </p><p><b> Some students</b> will be able use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary (no less than 95%) and syntax to talk about work and jobs. While listening understand all the details in unsupported extended talk and use them to make their own comments.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
Context &nbsp;This unit involves learners in discussing work and jobs. The unit contains curriculum links with Russian and Kazakh (grammar points) and all the subjects which can be necessary for career choice.
Previous learning &nbsp;Most learners have prior knowledge of some of the vocabulary associated with professions, work, jobs, employment

Ход урока

Этапы урока Запланированная деятельность на уроке Ресурсы

Warm up activity

(2-3 min)

&nbsp;Students name as many jobs as they can

Lexics Revision

(2 min)

&nbsp;Students use Loci Method to memorise new words and word combinations better. &nbsp;Lists of words in all four corners of the classroom

Home Task Checking

(5-7 min)

In pairs students speak to each other about their career choices and explain the factors influencing their choices. Then they try to report each other’s speech.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Laser B1 p 117 “Have your say”

Grammar Revision

(5-7 min)

In small groups students revise the rules of reported speech and practice changing sentences from direct into reported speech. Group leaders explain the rules to their peers if necessary.&nbsp; &nbsp;Laser B1 p197-198 point 25 A chart for grammar rules explanation / PPT slide&nbsp;&nbsp;

Listening Practise

(4-6 min)

&nbsp;Students listen to a part of the job interview and then turn it into reported speech. &nbsp;

Use of English Practise

(5 min)

<p>&nbsp;Students work in pairs and individually to practice grammar and Use of English: </p><p>- Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the text. </p><p> - Complete each sentence using reported questions so that it means the same as the sentence before it&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> &nbsp;Laser B1 p 118 ex 1-2


(2-3 min)

<p>&nbsp;Students evaluate their results according to the criteria on the board. </p><p> They suggest adding an extra point to some of their peers (if they can explain why)&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

Дополнительная информация

<p>Additional information</p><p>&nbsp;<i>The aims of the lesson are quite realistic. </i></p><p><i> Students will memorise the new words, introduced at the previous lesson, better. </i></p><p><i>They will develop their skills of speaking and use of English if they are active and attentive. </i></p><p><i> Differentiation in timing may be quite useful for weaker students to complete all the tasks. </i></p><p><i> The lesson timing may be quite hard because of the listening task which may take more time for understanding.&nbsp;&nbsp;</i></p>


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