Sports for all

Айтенова Разия Кудайбергеновна
Айтенова Разия Кудайбергеновна
Азатская основная школа
Английский язык
5 класс

Sports for all

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Цели обучения (ссылка на учебную программу): <p>&nbsp;5.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics </p><p> 5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges </p><p> 5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics </p><p> 5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
Цели урока: <p><b>&nbsp;All learners will be able to:</b></p><ul><li>Apply different characteristics talking about various sport activities.</li><li> • explain ideas clearly in a pair, group and whole class conversation</li><li><b>Most learners will be able to:</b></li><li> • use visual support to name the places, where people do sports </li><li> • listen, understand and complete the tasks without teacher’s support</li><li> • Discuss and contrast the given kinds of sport</li><li><b> Some learners will be able to: </b></li><li> • create extended speech talking about differences and similarities of the suggested sport activities</li><li> • spell topic-related words correctly </li><li> • complete the extension task in the listening formative assessment&nbsp;&nbsp;</li></ul>
Языковые цели: &nbsp;Use basic personal and demonstrative pronouns and quantitative pronouns; Use conjunctions .&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
Ожидаемый результат: &nbsp;Students will be able to understand that people should respect each other. Everybody should go in for sports to be healthy
Критерии успеха: &nbsp;.
Привитие ценностей: &nbsp;Healthy lifestyle, Respect, Support, Trust
Навыки использования ИКТ: Projector , ppt&nbsp;
Межпредметная связь: &nbsp;PE, Psychology
Предыдущие знания: &nbsp;Learners are expected to know different kinds of sports from previous grades. They know already about the Olympic Games from G4.&nbsp;

Ход урока

Этапы урока Запланированная деятельность на уроке Ресурсы

Начало урока

(6 min)

<p>&nbsp;<b>Class organisation </b></p><p><b> Learning and lesson objectives are introduced</b>.</p><p><b> Lead-in:</b> </p><p>teacher demonstrates a number of pictures and asks the students to talk in pairs and guess the topic. Students discuss the question and report back to the teacher.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

Середина урока

(30 min)

<p><b>Jigsaw speaking - Formative assessment (W, I, G):</b> Teacher gives out the handout 1. Students have to complete 6 columns in the given tables. After that, the students work in expert groups and compare their answers (all students must have the same handout, i.e. student A or B, etc.) Then they are regrouped (groups of 4 with different cards) and they share the information in the new groups. </p><p> <b>Differentiation:</b> <i>High-performing students have to name the sports themselves or they can use dictionaries. Middle students have to unjumble the given letters to make the name of the sport activities. Low-performing students have the names of the sport activities and the pictures for the places to prompt them. </i></p><p><b> Compare and contrast (P):</b> students compare their sport activities. Overall, they should name at least 5 similarities and/or differences. </p><p><b> Differentiation:</b> Early finishers can choose 1 or 2 sport activities and compare those with their partners’ ones. </p><p><b> Listening Formative Assessment (I): </b></p><p><b><br></b>teacher chooses which listening task to use based on the level of the majority of the students. <b>A1-A2:</b> </p><p>Students have to listen to 3 short situations and find the corresponding pictures. </p><p><b> A2-high A2/B1: </b></p><p>Students listen to the recording and complete the TRUE/ FALSE task.</p><p><b> Peer-assessment:</b></p><p><b><br></b> students swap their papers and check the answers. </p><p> IMPORTANT: once the teacher has decided on the level of language complexity in the listening task, (s)he should add a slide with the answer keys to the PPt presentation!&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

Конец урока

(2 min)

<p>&nbsp;<b>Reflection (W): Give me 5!:</b>students have to</p><p> 1) Why is it important to respect each other? </p><p> 2) Why do we need rules and regulations? </p><p><b> Plenary (I)</b>: Teacher nominates a student to sum up what has been learned in today’s lesson. <b>Hometask</b>: teacher explains the 4 tasks in the handout 4.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>


(2 min)

<p>&nbsp;Reflection (W): Give me 5!: students have to answer the questions</p><p> 1) Why is it important to respect each other?</p><p> 2) Why do we need rules and regulations?&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
