Reading. What are you into?

Бектенгалиева Майра Аскаровна
Бектенгалиева Майра Аскаровна
С.Байшев атындағы ЖОББМ
Английский язык
6 класс
Reading for Pleasure

Reading. What are you into?

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Цели обучения (ссылка на учебную программу): S1 S3 R2 S7 UE9 W1 W6 W8
Цели урока: All learners will be able to: use, pronounce and spell some target vocabulary accurately in production tasks with support Most learners will be able to: use, pronounce and spell most target vocabulary accurately in production tasks and integrate with some success in extended writing task Some learners will be able to: use, pronounce and spell a range of target vocabulary accurately in production tasks and integrate to good effect in extended writing task  
Критерии успеха:    • Define the difference between books in Kazakh, Russian, English languages. • Act out the story by listening to the story. • Write to make a piece of creative work of art on their own descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects.    
Привитие ценностей: Common history culture and language
Навыки использования ИКТ: lapbooks
Межпредметная связь: Kazakh, Russian, English Literature

Ход урока

Этапы урока Запланированная деятельность на уроке Ресурсы

Начало урока

(Beginning the lesson 5min)

• Teacher suggests singing a song as a warm-up for the lesson.Learners sing A Free Time Song (Hobbies + Pastimes) To present vocabulary for free - time activities • Draw Ss’ attention to the picture. Play the recording. • Ss listen and repeat chorally or individually.    

Середина урока

(25 min.)

To categorise vocabulary • Write words "Hobby" and "Interests" and give associations with these words. Speak about your hobby. • Ss look at the photo on p.10 for a minute and guess three people's interests. Ss copy the headings into their notebooks and try to list as many words as they can remember under each heading. Ss in pairs check their answers and add more words under each heading. To activate and consolidate vocabulary • Explain the task and read the text aloud. • Ask various Ss to say what the people's interests are. Write about friend's hobby or interest • Explain the task and allow Ss some time to speak about 3 people's interests. Ss then compare with their partner their interests and note the similarities and differences. • Ask various pairs around the class to present their friend's interest to the class. • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss’ answers in the next lesson. Display the conceptual tables to the class. • Ask Ss to make a dialogue with a structure have got and prepositions: of, about, by   Cluster " Hobby and Interests"  

Конец урока

Game A Play in teams. One team says a letter from the English alphabet. The other team says a word which starts with this letter and is related to hobbies or interests. If the team can’t think of a word within 5” they miss their turn. Any correct answer gets 1 point. The team with the most points wins. Team AS1: S! Team BS1: Skateboarding! " Spelling Bee" (competition) B Play in class. Take a card, give it to the teacher. The teacher says a word, you in turn spell this word. A: Taekwondo B:T -A-E-K-W-O-N-D-O.  


Conclusion: Strategy: Freeze frame Work in groups. Three people take the roles and act out the story. Giving homework: Imagine you met the golden fish. What would you wish for? Feedback: Teacher asks learners to use two stars and one wish to write about the lesson.         
