Mоbilе Phоnеs

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Искакова Назгуль Кажимовна
СШ №9 им Гафу Кайырбекова
Английский язык
9 класс
Science and technology

Mоbilе Phоnеs

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Цели обучения (ссылка на учебную программу): 9.S.3.1 explain and justify their own point of view on a range of general and curricular topics. 9.UE.13.1 use a variety of modal forms for different functions and a limited number of past modal forms including should/ shouldn’t have to express regret and criticism on range of familiar general and curricular topics.  
Цели урока: All learners will be able to apply specific information with active vocabulary on the topic “Mobile phone” and past modal forms including should/ shouldn’t have to express regret and criticism in 5-6 sentences. Most learners will be able to exchange specific information about the topic “Mobile phone” using active vocabulary and past modal forms including should / shouldn’t have in 7-8 sentences. Some learners will be able to express their points of view using active vocabulary and past modal forms including should / shouldn`t have in 9-10 sentences.  
Языковые цели: A learner can speak about the topic Mobile phone using active vocabulary and past modal forms including should/shouldn`t have.
Ожидаемый результат: <ol><li>A learner can speak about the topic Mobile phone using active vocabulary and past modal forms including should/shouldn`t have.</li></ol>
Привитие ценностей: Respect and support classmates’ points of view and their choices tolerant, politeness, ME.
Навыки использования ИКТ: <ol><li>Computer science&nbsp;</li></ol>
Межпредметная связь: <ol><li>Computer science&nbsp;</li></ol>
Предыдущие знания: <ol><li>Active vocabulary to the topic “Gadgets” and past modal forms including should / shouldn`t have.</li></ol>

Ход урока

Этапы урока Запланированная деятельность на уроке Ресурсы

Начало урока

(3 min)

<p>1.Greetings “Mobile call” Learners take their mobile phones, call to their friends and greetings and wish positive day.&nbsp; Example: “Hi, Aigul! I wish you good luck!” </p><p><br></p><p> 2.Warm-up “Forecasting” Watch the video and guess the title of the lesson.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p><img src="/uploads/lesson_plans/5e3ccdb8a4e7b/images/5e3ccf131f891.png" style="width: 281px;"></p><p>What is the video about? - Have you got a mobile phone? - How often do you use it? Learners watch the video and guess the theme of the lesson answering the teacher`s question. </p><p> 3. Introduction with the lesson outcomes “Presentation” Learners read the outcomes from the screen of active board.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cahwXDbyG-I&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>(slide1 of the PPT)</p>

Середина урока

(29 min)

<p><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);">Activity 1</span> - Division into 2groups “Puzzle method” </p><p> Learners take cards with pictures and are divided into 2 groups.</p><p><br></p><p> Activity 2 – Revision words “Snowball method” </p><p> Learners throw a ball to each other (in each group), one learner calls the name of gadget the next learner translates it. </p><p><br></p><p> Activity 3 – Engage “Discussion”. Task 1. Watch video and discuss it.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p><img src="/uploads/lesson_plans/5e3ccdb8a4e7b/images/5e3ccff78addb.png" style="width: 318px;"></p><p>Learners watch the video about Mobile Phone and discuss it.</p><p><br></p><p>Task 2 Make a poster about “Advantages ” (the 1st group) and “Disadvantages” (the 2nd group) of using of mobile phone and present it using active vocabulary and should/shouldn`t have.</p><p> Formative assessment “2 stars and a wish” (Group assessment) </p><p>The 1st star for …. </p><p> The 2nd star for …. </p><p> And one wish for … .&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>Activity 4 - Dynamic pause ( TPR method ) Learners dance with support of video.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>Activity 5 – Discussing “Puzzle”method. </p><p> Watch parts of the video and discuss and guess next actions of girl/boy.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p><img src="/uploads/lesson_plans/5e3ccdb8a4e7b/images/5e3cd11be7de2.png" style="width: 331px;"><br></p><p>Learners watch part s of the video and discuss and guess next actions of girl/boy. </p><p><br></p><p></p><p><br></p> <p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cahwXDbyG-I&amp;list=RDcahwXDbyG-I&amp;t=4" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cahwXDbyG-I&amp;list=RDcahwXDbyG-I&amp;t=4</a></p><p><br></p><p>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2ELHQRAs78&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p>

Конец урока

(5 min)

<ol><li>Activity 7 – Writing “E-mail” Take their mobile phones and write an e-mail using internet slang to each other.&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="/uploads/lesson_plans/5e3ccdb8a4e7b/images/5e3cd2cc53dd5.png" style="width: 330px;">Learners take their mobile phones and write an e-mail using internet slang to each other. Formative assessment “Pair assessment” Learners check each others e-mails and give marks. 1-2 mistakes – “excellent” 3-4 mistakes – “good ” 5-6 mistakes – “try again”&nbsp;&nbsp;</li></ol> https://www.google.com/search?q=internet+slang+words+pinterest&amp;tbm=isch&amp;source=univ&amp;sa=X&amp;ved=2ahUKEwjojOvRo9vhAhXPyKYKHZkQAm8Q7Al6BAgJEA8&amp;biw=1366&amp;bih=608#imgrc=i0HGOvbit1kNwM:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;


(3 min)

<ol><li>Feedback “Unfinished sentences”&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;I was good at …. I enjoyed …. . I had difficulty in … I shall try …. . I found interesting to … . I shall practice …. I should revise ….. I fully succeeded in …&nbsp; &nbsp;</li></ol>

Differentiation Differentiation by outcomes (according to the lesson objectives) Differentiation by task (according to the learners’ ability) Differentiation by ability (according to the learner s’ level of knowleges).

Assessment Formative assessment by:  Praising words, recommendations, comments of the teacher  group-self-assessment  peer assessment by checklist&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <p><br></p><p>Health and safety check Health and safety check ICT technology (active board) is used no more 15 minutes. Dynamic pause helps to relax in the middle of the lesson. Division into groups gives the learners the opportunity to move.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>


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