Reading and listening to stories

Воропаева Татьяна Григорьевна
Воропаева Татьяна Григорьевна
КГУ Мамлютская школа - гимназия № 1
Английский язык
5 класс

Reading and listening to stories

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Цели обучения (ссылка на учебную программу): 5.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics 5.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics 5.S8 recount basic stories and events on a range of general and curricular topics  
Цели урока: All learners will be able: - To write words correctly - To recognize the kinds of stories by pictures Most learners will be able: - to put the missing words in the text correctly - to answer to the questions after listening and reading Some learners will be able: - to complete the table according to the story - to tell their favorite stories using target language  
Языковые цели: • Word order; Present Simple Tense
Ожидаемый результат: • By the end of the lesson, students are able to tell about a favorite story or a fairy tale using target language. • The learning atmosphere is friendly and comfortable. • Planned differentiation work well. • I stick to timings.  
Критерии успеха:  Peer assessment
Привитие ценностей:  To appreciate kindness, modesty, honesty
Навыки использования ИКТ:
Межпредметная связь:  Literature, history
Предыдущие знания: • Students will already have studied the Present Simple Tense and be familiar with the nature of the action in the Present Simple Tense (regularity/factuality). • Students will have recently reviewed the formation of sentences in the Present Simple Tense.  

Ход урока

Этапы урока Запланированная деятельность на уроке Ресурсы

Начало урока

(9 min.)

<p>“True-Lie” activity: The teacher says some statements referring separately to each student. Students should answer “True” or “Lie”. The statements may be the following:</p><p> -You wear glasses.</p><p> - It is winter now. </p><p> - Your sister doesn’t like milk. </p><p> - You have a nice skirt today. (for a boy) </p><p> - Your uncle lives abroad. </p><p> - Your mother drives a car to work.</p><p> - You play the piano.</p><p> - Your grandmother talks on the phone every night.</p><p> -Your friend paints very well. </p><p> - You are often late for classes.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>There are some pictures on the board, and the teacher explains students that they should choose the right pictures among all and stick them around the words given. (Detective story, History story, Science – fiction, Fairy tale, Ghost story, Horror story) -&nbsp; Learners say what their favourite kind of stories is e.g. fairy, ghost, adventure, horror, science fiction and so on and say why.</p><p> Learners are shown image of Beauty and Beast on interactive board. They are asked whether they know the story about them.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

Середина урока

(23 min.)

<p>Learners are shown image of Beauty and Beast on the interactive board. They are asked whether they know the story about them. Students are divided into groups. Teacher gives out the cards with the task. Learners do the task– <i><b>Match the words and their definitions - Appendix 2</b></i></p><p> </p><p> Groups exchange the cards to check up. (Criteria-based assessment) 6 -7 correct words - Excellent; 4 -5 correct words- Good Job;&nbsp; &nbsp; less than 4 words -&nbsp; Poor </p><p> The teacher gives out the texts with missing words. The texts are different. Students work in pairs. For 1st partner - the text with missed verbs, for 2nd partner - the text with missed other words. –&nbsp;</p><p> Learners listen to the story (the part of the story) twice and complete the sentences with missing words. Students exchange the sheets with the tasks and check up each other according to the text of the partner. They analyze their works. (Criteria-based assessment) </p><p>Teacher collects the students’ sheets. </p><p> Less-able student should answer to the questions about the story Beauty and Beast. - How many brothers has Beauty got? - Why sisters don’t like Beauty? - What does Beauty like doing at home? More-able students should to complete the table according to the story Beauty and Beast. ( about theme of the story, characters, places and objects of the story) - Students listen to the text again for the text reconstruction orally for the 1st partner and in writing form – for the 2nd partner. – Dictogloss activity The teacher gives students time to prepare a text reconstruction using the target language. The students in pairs themselves determine which of them prepares the oral form and who - the written form of the reconstruction of the text. Then students who prepare the reconstruction orally present their options for all students of the class. And their partners in pairs, who prepare the reconstruction of the text in writing form, evaluated their work. Then the partners appreciated the written work. The original text was highlighted on a whiteboard. (Criteria-based assessment) –Mutual evaluation </p><p> Text: closer to the original - 3 points; less close to the original- 2 points Target language (Grammar) used correctly - 3 points; used with errors -1 points&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

Конец урока

(5 min)

Less-able students share information with the partners about their favorite story or a fairy tale (Kazakh, Russian, English stories). -More-able students should complete the supporting table Name of the story characters places objects and retell partner’s favorite story or a fairy tale using target language.&nbsp;


(5 min.)

OPTIONAL: Peers’ comments&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;

Reflection on the lesson

(3 min.)

• The lesson objectives/learning objectives are realistic. • All tasks have a targeted use ( - To enter students into communication in English, - To introduce the topic of the lesson, -Learners are introduced vocabulary through matching the words and their definitions. – Reading skill and memorization,&nbsp; &nbsp;


Открыть файл Appendix for the lesson
Открыть файл Lesson Plan Reading and listening to stories
