Connectors & Linking words
Английский язык
10 класс
Virtual reality
Connectors & Linking words
Цели обучения (ссылка на учебную программу): | 10.1.4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others 10.5.6 write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics |
Цели урока: | All learners will be able to: Distinguish 5-6 connectors of different functions Use 4-5new linking words, with support Most learners will be able to: Distinguish 7-15 connectors of different functions Use 6-8new linking words, with some accuracy Some learners will be able to: Distinguish 15- 40 connectors of different functions Use 9 and more new linking words, with accuracy & flexibility |
Языковые цели: | Distinguish and use linking words in writing |
Ожидаемый результат: | Distinguish 15- 40 connectors of different functions Use 9 and more new linking words, with accuracy & flexibility |
Критерии успеха: | Distinguish 7-15 connectors of different functions Use 6-8new linking words, with some accuracy |
Привитие ценностей: | Respect, Cooperation, Support |
Навыки использования ИКТ: | Projector or Smart board for presenting slides |
Межпредметная связь: | Science, technology & education |
Предыдущие знания: | Students should be aware of basic connectors |
Ход урока
Этапы урока | Запланированная деятельность на уроке | Ресурсы |
Начало урока (5 minutes (W)) |
Welcome &Objectives Welcome students and ask them how they are doing. -Go over lesson objectives: 1) Distinguish connectors of different functions 2) Use new connecting words, with accuracy & flexibility | Slide 1 |
Середина урока (15minutes (W)) |
Connectors introduction Teacher writes a couple of sentences on the board as an example of a connector usage. 1. In future, students will love History lesson because virtual reality will help students to visit ancient historical sites. 2. The internet offers an access to all the sites however, parental controls on televisions and gaming systems allow parents to restrict what their children are able to view. Students read the sentences and identify the connectors that join two clauses together to complicate the sentences.(1-because; 2-however) | Slide 2 |
Конец урока (10 minutes (I) 5 minutes (P/W)) |
Connectors Practice Students work individually or in pairs (it depends on students’ individual needs). They get a worksheet to complete each sentence, using only one connector and filling in only one gap. Differentiation: The exercise for less motivated students is a bit simplified. Each sentence has only one gap to fill in. Students compare their answers with the partners and then with the keys on the Slide Answers: 1. nevertheless (2- second gap) 2. therefore (2) 3. since (2) 4. due to (1) 5. moreover (2) 6. in order to (2) 7. because of (1) 8. as well as (2) 9. as a result (2) 10. owing to (2) 11. finally (1) 12. furthermore (1) | Worksheet 2 (connectors practice) Slide 4 |
Рефлексия (5 minutes (I/W)) |
1. What was easy/ challenging at the lesson? 2. What would you change at the lesson if you were a teacher? | Slide 5 Copybooks |
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Virtual Reality