Space and Earth

Тлеубаев Нурлан Женисович
Акмолинская обл., Сандыктауский р-н, с. Балкашино, КГУ «Балкашинская СШ №2»
Учитель-новатор 2019
Английский язык
Space and Earth

Learning objectives(s):

7.C6 Organize and present information clearly to others.

7.L2 Understand with little support most specific information in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics.

7.S8 recount some extended stories and events on a growing range of general and curricular.

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to:

· Name most planets of the Solar System correctly.

· Put the planets in order of their places in the Solar System.

Most learners will be able to:

· Identify all planets of the Solar System.

· Classify planets of the Solar System into different groups.

Some learners will be able to:

· Describe one planet of the Solar System.

Language objective:

learn new vocabulary.

Value links:


Cross curricular links:

Science Studies.

Previous learning:


Use of ICT:

Projector or Smart board to show a presentation.

Intercultural awareness:

Students will understand that every person is a representative of the universe.

Kazakh culture:


Pastoral Care:

Students will understand the importance of recognition about the universe around them as they realize the world doesn't end outside the front door.

Health and Safety:

Everyday classroom instructions will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent from the accidents in a classroom. The classroom is aired before the lesson.


Planned timings

Planned activities



3 min


5 min















15 min














12 min










5 min

1. Leading-in stage (W)

Teacher asks students about the date and day of the week and discusses the rules of behavior in a classroom.



Teacher shows a video of Solar System and asks them if they guess what our theme for this lesson is.

Teacher elicit information from the video: students identify the object in the middle of the Solar System (the Sun) and about the place we are living (the Earth).

Teacher divide students into 2 groups and gives them worksheet of the Solar System (handout 1). Teacher inspires students to think about planets they know.

Students present their ideas to the whole group (whole group discussion)

Teacher elicits answers on the board.


Teacher informs students about the topic of the lesson “Space and Earth” and introduces the lesson objectives.


2. Teacher tells the students the objectives of the lesson

To know all the names of the planets of Solar System and describe one of them.

3. The main part of the lesson

Teacher returns to the discussion of the planets in the Solar System and writes the remaining planets’ names students do not know on the board.

Students pronounce them, teacher monitors students to spell the names accurately.

Teacher suggests students to read the information from the whiteboard about planets. Then they divide them into the groups: rocky planets, gas giants and according to the mass of the planets.





Then teacher asks students place the planets in the order of their distance from the Sun.







Teacher asks students to choose one planet and gives to students blank sheets of paper where students write the chosen name in the middle of the paper. Students read the names of chosen planets. Teacher monitors students to spell the names accurately.

Teacher suggests students to watch to the video twice and try to complete their papers with information from the video about their planets.



Less able students are supported by the teacher who monitors and assists them.


Teacher encourages students to describe the chosen planet as it is in the video.

Students present their works to the class



One by one students present new information they learned from the lesson (it can be one word, fact etc.)

handout 1





 (and other planets)


Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Critical thinking

Differentiation by support

More support:

· Monitoring

· Allow thinking time.

More-able learners:

· Encourage students to participate in discussions providing level related questions

· The teacher observes, guides and monitors the students helping with spelling. Oral feedback after completing tasks.

It stretches their imaginations and thinking forcing them to contemplate the stars and planets.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from the lesson about this class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Handout 1


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