Places around the town. Giving directions

Оспанова Айнагуль Смайлкановна
г. Караганды, КГУ «СОШ №8»
Учитель-новатор 2019
Английский язык
Places around the town. Giving directions

Learning objectives(s): ask simple questions to get information about a growing range of general topics. respect differing points of view. understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to: All learners will be able to:

- Listen and identify the names of objects and their directions with some support.

- Practice direction vocabulary for the instructions to find different places.

- Ask simple questions using prepositions of place. (2-3)

Most learners will be able to: Most learners will be able to:

- Listen and identify the names of objects and their directions with minimal support.

- Practice direction vocabulary for the instructions to find different places.

Ask simple questions using prepositions of place. (3-5)

Some learners will be able to: Some learners will be able to:

Listen and identify the names of objects and their directions without support.

- Practice direction vocabulary for the instructions to find different places.

- Analyze the peers’ performance in the group work.

Assessment Criteria:

Learners follow the instructions and mark the direction correctly.

Learners use most of new vocabulary correctly.

Learners give exact direction to peers.

Value links:

Respect; Cooperation; Pride for the town, country; Imagination; Creativity.

Cross curricular links:

Geography, Social Studies.

ICT skills:

Processing information on the interactive board and using computer (BilimLand English language courses).

Previous learning:

Names of places and objects in a city. Prepositions of place.


Planned timings

Planned activities



0-5 minutes





















5- min

Warm-up activity (W)

Teacher greets learners and asks to come to the blackboard:

 We begin our lesson choosing your pair and by that review some words. 





















Answers: car park, ticket office, town centre, railway station, airport, rush hour, bookshop, bus stop, traffic light.

Focus on activating their previous knowledge of the topic before reading.

(At the WB) Compound nouns: In English two words can often go together to make a noun. Some times we write them as one word sometimes as two words, and sometimes with a hyphen (ai)

post+office postoffice

hair+dresser = hairdresser

ice+cream = ice-cream

Teacher sets positive atmosphere by organizing a funny song about prepositions of place

2. Interactive Starter (W)

Using BL resources we brush up homework.

- What did we learn in previous lesson? (Prepositions of place: next to, opposite, near, long, between, above, on, in, behind, front, at, to)

Learners present PPP about their town using prepositions of place.

- We brush up our knowledge using Bilimland resourses.

Blackboard/whiteboard, chalk/markers

PowerPoint Presentation, Handout 1



















10 minutes







3. Teacher tells the learners the theme of the lesson

Now please listen to the dialogue & guess what’s our theme is. It’s asking for & giving directions.

The activity focus on understanding and producing directions and saying where places located


Speaking. (G)

Teacher explains to the learners that they are going to role-play a situation in one of the chosen place directions.

Learners are in pairs of three for creating a situation going to the chosen place.

The activity focus on understanding and producing directions and saying where places located.



Differentiation: Less able learners are provided with the phrases for the dialogue


4. Preparation for writing. Leaners in pairs discuss how they can help in the place where they live in the future with a help of the leaflets for their neighbours.

Questions for discussing the information for the leaflets:

What do you think about the title?

What style should be created for the best leaflet?

What are the main information is to be included?

In pairs they discuss the suggested questions and share with the class.

They create the main idea for their leaflets taking into consideration the problems typical for their own neighbourhood.

Possible ideas: We use negative imperatives to give orders and prohibit things. 
Don't smoke! = No smoking! 

Use Don't and the infinite form of the verb without to to make the negative form. 
Don't go!

· You mustn’t drop litter

· You mustn’t damage road signs

· You mustn’t write graffiti on the buildings

· You must keep parks clean

· Discussion

Teacher splits up learners into groups of three in order to determine the final version of their leaflet within the group.

Each groupmate tries to present his/her ideas to be the most beneficial one, backing up it with facts and arguments

Differentiation: More able learners should persuade their groupmates with the more extended justification










Questions and possible ideas for writing a leaflet






Papers, markers, coloured papers, glue

2 minutes


Learners provide feedback on what they have learned at the lesson. Learners will continue the following sentences:


In this lesson I have learnt about…

I have known about compound words…

It was not easy to ask directions in the city…

It was interesting to discuss the ideas for our leaflet…

The most difficult thing in creating the ideas was….

or Reflective journals

This questionnaire can be done using Kahoot or Reflective journals


Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Learners’ Assessment – how are you planning to check learn learning?

Health and safety check


Differentiation by length of response - word limits or other length expectations - e.g. the number of exchanges in a reflection – can be different to indicate how much individual learners should write or prepare to speak.

Circulate about the room helping learners with vocabulary and expressions. Monitor learners to check they can pick up main points while asking the questions.

Following each pair or individual activity, ask questions that check for comprehension and understanding.

Teachers will keep a close eye on safe learner activity


Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?




What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?


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