I Can / I Can’t

Жұмабаева Айман Исатайқызы
Жұмабаева Айман Исатайқызы
№6 Шұбарқұдық негізгі орта мектебі
Ағылшын тілі
The natural environment

I Can / I Can’t

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Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to <p>L5&nbsp; L9&nbsp;</p><p> S1 S4 S6&nbsp; </p><p>R2 R3 R4&nbsp; </p><p>W2&nbsp; </p><p>UE13 UE14 &nbsp;</p>
Lesson objectives <p>All learners will be able to: &nbsp; </p><p>• respond correctly to some spoken, written and mimed prompts and show some control of target language in interactive question sequences. &nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p>Most learners will be able to: &nbsp;</p><p> • respond correctly to most spoken, written and mimed prompts and show some control of target language in interactive question sequences. &nbsp; </p><p>Some learners will be able to: &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </p><p>• respond correctly to spoken, written and mimed prompts and show good control of target ;&nbsp; • language in interactive question sequences. &nbsp;</p>
Previous learning Can /can’t; &nbsp; action verbs;&nbsp; names of animals;&nbsp; Who are they? &nbsp; Where is ..?
Previous learning Can /can’t; &nbsp; action verbs;&nbsp; names of animals;&nbsp; Who are they? &nbsp; Where is ..?

Сабақ барысы

Сабақ кезеңдері Жоспарланған іс-әрекет Ресурстар

Beginning the lesson

<p>Ask individual pupils to answer your questions. e.g. &nbsp; </p><p>Teacher: Can you swim? Pupil: Yes! &nbsp; </p><p>Play the ‘Animals’ song from the previous lesson. Invite the pupils to sing along. &nbsp;</p> Track 16 CD2

Presentation and practice

<p>Step 1 Listen, point and repeat. POSTER&nbsp; </p><p>Pupils’ books closed. Put up the ‘My Animals’ poster on the board. Point to and name the animals. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually. Then point to the horse and ask: What can a horse do? Run. The pupils repeat after you. Follow the same procedure for the remaining animals. Then mime an action. The pupils name the animal. &nbsp; Pupils’ books open. Play the CD. The pupils listen, point to the pictures, and repeat the words. Play the CD again pausing after each word. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually. &nbsp;</p><p>Step 2 Follow the lines and complete. </p><p>Guessing game.(activity 5)&nbsp; Point to and elicit the animals. Point to the cat and ask: Can the cat swim? Ask the pupils to follow the line and find out (No). The pupils then complete the verbs. Follow the same procedure for the rest of the animals/ sentences. Then play the guessing game. Ask the pupils to look at the animals and the sentences for two minutes before they close their books. Divide the pupils into two teams, A and B. The teams take turns saying what an animal can/can’t do for the other team to guess the animal. Each correct guess wins a point. The team with the most points wins. To help the pupils you can write the animals and the&nbsp; action verbs on the board for the duration of the game. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Step 3&nbsp; Sing the ‘I can jump ...song!’ &nbsp; </p><p>Mime and say: I can jump, I can run, I can climb... . The pupils repeat&nbsp; after you. Then draw a simple sketch of the sun and say: ... out in the sun! The pupils repeat after you. Follow the same procedure to present the rest of the song. Play the CD. The pupils listen to the song. Divide the pupils into two groups and assign a verse to each one. Play the CD. The groups sing the assigned verses. Time permitting, play the song a third time for the pupils to sing the song as a class. &nbsp;</p><p>Step 4&nbsp; (activity 7)&nbsp; Set the scene by asking the pupils questions about what they can see in the pictures. Play the CD and ask the pupils to listen and follow the dialogue in their books.&nbsp; Step 5 Circle.&nbsp; (activity 8)&nbsp; Explain the activity. Ask the pupils to look at the pictures, read the dialogue silently and circle the right answer. Check the pupils’ answers. Play the CD again pausing for the pupils to repeat, chorally and/or individually. Ask individual pupils to read the dialogue out loud. &nbsp;</p><p><br></p> Track 18 CD2 &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; My Animals Poster &nbsp;

Ending the lesson

Mime an action, e.g. run, climb, fly, etc. The pupils call out the word. Change the actions quickly to make the activity fun. Invite a pupil to come to the front of the classroom and take your place. <br>
