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Қыдырниязова Ажаргул Тыныштыккалиевна
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Каратюбинская Школа-гимназия
Ағылшын тілі
Our Health


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Оқу мақсаттары (оқу бағдарламасына сілтемеу): 6.R.2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics 6.S.7 Use appropriate subject specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics and some curricular topics 6.R.6. recognize the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts and growing range for general and curricular topics   
Сабақтың мақсаты:  To identify the attitude of the writer  To choose the correct information  To select specific information from the text To improve speaking skills for specific information     
Бағалау критерийлері:  A learner can identify the attitude of the writer  A learner can write a summary following the structure and give feedback  A learner can find specific information from the text  A learner can answer at least 3 questions correctly in speaking   
Пәнаралық байланыс: Biology, Medicine, Sport 

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Сабақтың басы

Lead in. Greeting learners. Teacher draws learners ’ attention to the title of the lesson watching video . After the watching video teacher asks: Teacher: What about this video? How do you think what is the theme of the lesson? Learners answer the questions and guess the theme of the lesson. Teacher discusses Learning Objectives with the learners.     

Сабақтың ортасы

“My Memory” Activity 1. (Make a circle. Group work) Speaking. The children form a circle and say their name and the name of a fruit or vegetable. If they cannot think of a fruit or vegetable they must put their hands on their heads. As the game progresses the children must pick up speed. The winner is the child that remembers to say a different fruit or vegetable each time. An alternative to make the game more difficult is to get the children to add an action to saying their name + fruit/vegetable e.g. wave hands in air. The winner in this game is the child that says their name, a different fruit or vegetable and also adds a new action each time. Learners use construction “I like/ I don’t like”. Focus on reading. Pre-teaching vocabulary Pre-reading. Differentiation by learning skills Teacher presents some vocabulary for reading task. Learners study the vocabulary individually. Teacher can support less – able learners with translation if they cannot understand the definition. Read the text about “Healthy food” and do the tasks (Level tasks. Individual work) It'simportantforpeopletoeatasmuchastheyneedtogivethemenergy. Iftheyeattoolittlefoodorthewrongfoodtheywon'thaveenoughenergy. Iftheyeattoomuch, theywillneedtomakemoreexercise; otherwisetheywillputonweight. Whenweeatthecorrectquantityoffoodfortheexercisewetake, wecallthistheenergybalance. Fatisveryhighincalories, andsoisnohelpatallinkeepingenergybalance. Fathasalsobeenlinkedwithheartdisease, andmanyexpertsbelievethateatinglesswouldhelptoreduceit. Sugarisn'tgoodfortheenergybalanceeither. Theonlyvalueofthedietistoprovideenergy, andyoucangetthatfromotherfoods. There'snodoubtthattoomuchsugarmakesyoufatanditdoesn'tdoyourteethmuchgoodeither. Fibre, ontheotherhandissomethingthatweeattoolittleof. Oneofthesimplestwaysofeatingmorefibreistoeatmorebread, particularlywholemeal, granary, orhighfibrebread .It's a good, cheapsourceoffibreandnutrientswithouttoomanycaloriesPotatoesaregood, too. Likebread, theyareunderrated, butthey'reexcellentforfillingyouupwithoutmakingyou Soeatlessfattyfood (sweets, chocolate, cakespudding, jam) andeatmorefibrefoods (bread, potatoes, pasta, freshfruitandvegetables). Differentiations by tasks Task 1. Level A. Complete the sentences with suitable words 1._______goodfortheenergybalanceeither. 2______ontheotherhandissomethingthatweeattoolittleof. 3.Iftheyeattoolittlefoodorthewrongfood___________. 4. _____isveryhighincalories, andsoisnohelpatallinkeepingenergybalance. Descriptor: A learner -read the text -complete the sentences Task 2 . Level B. Read the text and Do True or false tasks Teacher asks learners to say if the sentences are True or False. Learners should justify their answers. 1-People won’t need to make exercise if they eat too much. ------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-When people eat too much they put on weight. --------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-Eating less fat would cause heart attacks. -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-Sugar provides energy, but it causes obesity. ---------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-Fibre foods are good for the energy balance. --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Answers: 1. False (Because If they eat too much, they will need to make more exercise) 2. True (. If they eat too much, they will need to make more exercise; otherwise they will put on weight.) 3. False (Fat has also been linked with heart disease, and many experts believe that eating less would help to reduce it. 4. True (There's no doubt that too much sugar makes you fat) 5. True (they're excellent for filling you up without making you fat) Descriptor: -read the text -mark true or false Task 3. Level C Answer the questions 1-Give a title to the passage.-------------------------------------------------------------- 2-Why is exercising necessary for good health? --------------------------------------- 3-What does "the energy balance" mean? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4-What are fatty foods? Give examples. ---------------------------------------------- 5.What are fibre foods? Give examples------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Possible answers: 1. Eating healthily/ Healthy food/ Keeping energy balance 2. To keep the energy balance 3. Eating the correct quantity of food for the exercise we take 4. Hamburger, grilled and fried food, sweets, chocolate, cakes pudding, jam) 5. whole meal, granary, or high fibre bread Descriptor: -read the text -answer the questions Afterthetask pupils evaluate themselves by “Traffic lights”. They show colors I can’t do it . I have some problems I can do it but I need a little support I can do it and I can try this on my own Formative Assessment . Activity 3 Unit: Our health Learning objectives: 6.R.2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics Assessment criteria: To recognize specific information from the text Level of thinking skills: knowledge and identify Healthy Food In my opinion you are what you eat. I think any food is food for the whole organism. It’s very important to choose right food nowadays. How for a car gasoline, so for us food. Modern life is very chaotic and stressful. And that’s why we should keep to a healthy lifestyle in order not to get feel bad. Healthy food begins with healthy products. It is undesirable to store any food for more than three days. And also I largely support the vegetarians. I have read that they live 10-20 years longer. Some supply us with carbohydrates, some with proteins or fats, some with vitamins and minerals, etc. But we need only friendly fats, that we can found in nuts, seeds, olives, tuna fish and avocados etc. The good idea is to cut down on too much sugar and salt. Also you should don’t drink too many fizzy drinks. But then why more people choose junk food? I think it’s cause of taste and availability. It’s the big problem. Healthy food always more expensive Also your activity can help you. You should go to the gym or do sport which you like. Even with simple walk you will feel better. But for me it’s very important. I prefer eat only healthy food or at least not harmful, because I don’t want to get ill or get fat. I want you to follow some rules if you want to be better than now. Please eat less sugar, salt and fat junk food and then you will feel good. And don’t forget about sport. It can helps you. Good Luck! Task . Read the text and complete the chart below We should keep Healthy foods Unhealthy(junk) foods and drinks Why people choose junk food? Healthy rules “Catch a ball” Activity 4. Speaking Teacher: - How many meals do you have a day? - Do you eat fruit and vegetables? - How much water do you drink? - How much milk do you drink? - Do you eat junk food? - How much chocolate do you eat? - Is your diet healthy? What would like to change in it?  

Сабақтың соңы

Whatdid we learn today? At the end of the lesson, learners reflect on their learning: Feedback “Fishbone” Learners reflect their activity during the lesson. Learners write: 1. on the top of the fish trunk the what problems were in the lesson 2. on the bottom of the fish trunk how can they solve these problems 3. on the head what was interesting at the lesson 4. on the tail they write what they took for themselves . Teacher can use Feedback Paper in Handout 5  


Файлды ару Healthydiet
