
Қыдырниязова Ажаргул Тыныштыккалиевна
Қыдырниязова Ажаргул Тыныштыккалиевна
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Каратюбинская Школа-гимназия
Ағылшын тілі
The world of work


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Оқу мақсаттары (оқу бағдарламасына сілтемеу): 5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics 5S6. Communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during pair, group and whole class exchanges 5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects 5R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics      
Сабақтың мақсаты: A learner will be able to: -Identify details a text with a little support - Choose the correct answer , use specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about the topic -predict the answers to the questions about jobs -compose the essay about their favourite profession    
Бағалау критерийлері:     - Figure out most information of the topic -Choose the correct answer -Give basic information about professions at sentence level -Match the jobs  
Пәнаралық байланыс: Self-knowledge, World around us

Сабақ барысы

Сабақ кезеңдері Жоспарланған іс-әрекет Ресурстар

Сабақтың басы

(W). Greetings. Teacher greets the Students -Good afternoon, students! Welcome to our lesson. Lead in. Teacher shows some pictures on the Active Board and asks questions Look at the screen please. What can you see in these pictures? What can you say about them? Who are they? Where do they work? How do you think what is the theme of the lesson? Learners answer the questions and guess the theme of the lesson. The teacher announces the lesson objectives to the students    

Сабақтың ортасы

   Reading. The teacher gives new words, first the teacher reads, then the children read by the chain • Vocabulary work (W, G) - Photographer - Footballer - Vet - Hairdresser - Mechanic - Teacher - Nurse - Pilot - Secretary - Fireman - Soldier (W.I) Speaking Activity 1 “ Bingo” Individual work: Task. Students should look at the screen and choose the alphabets from their desks which are missing they should say what professions are they . The teacher shows words Te…ch..r,, …il..t, Hai..dre…ser. Me…han..c Pupils do it themselves then who finishes that says “Bingo” . When all children finish the teacher shows them the correct answer. (Teacher. Nurse. Pilot . Mechanic. Hairdresser.) 5 points “Excellent” 4-3- points “Good” 2-1 points “Try again” Reading. Pre- reading. Activity 2 Then the learners take one of the pictures and divided into 3 groups “Doctor”, “Teacher”, “Police” Differentiation by tasks Farmer. A farmer lives in a village. He grow crops and keeps animals. He works very hard. He gets up early morning and begins to work in the field. He takes his plough and a pair of oxen with him. He continues to work from morning to evening. For him, rain, cold or sun do not matter much. A farmer leads a very simple life. A farmer grows food, grains, vegetables and fruits. Task 1 Level A Complete the sentences using specific vocabulary. Village, oxen, fruit, vegetables, field, food, grain. 1. A farmer lives in a __________. 2. He gets up early morning and begins to work in the__________. 3. He takes his plough and pair of __________ with him. 4. A farmer grow ______, ______ , ______ and _______. Descriptor: A learner - work on individual - complete the sentences task 2. Level B Write the name of the pictures 1. A farmer lives in a __________. 2. He gets up early morning and begins to work in the _________. 3. He takes his plough and pair of __________ with him. 4. A farmer grows ________, ________ , _______ and _________. Descriptor: A learner - work on individual - write the name of the pictures task 3. Level C Answer the questions. 1. Where does the farmer live? 2. Where does the farmer work? 3.How does a farmer work? 4. What do they grow ? Descriptor: A learner - read the text - answer the questions Self-assessment according to the criteria № Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 1. 2. 3. 4. Formative Assessment . Activity 3 Unit : The World of Work Learning objectives: 5R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics Assessment criteria: Identify details in a text with little support Level of thinking: Knowledge and comprehension ReadthetextandmarkthesentencesTrueorFalse. Myworkingdaystartsveryearly. FromMondaytoFriday I getupathalfpastthreeand I have a showerand a cupofcoffee. I usuallyleavethehouseattenpastfourbecausethecaralwaysarrives a fewminutesearly. I gettothestudioataboutfiveo'clockandstartwork. MyprogrammeGoodMorningBritainstartsatseveno'clockandfinishesatnineo'clock. Then I leavethestudio. Afterthat, I goshoppingandvisitsomefriends. I gethomeatthreeo'clock. Thenmyhusbandgetshomeatfiveintheeveningand I cookdinner. Wedon'tgoout because I gotobedveryearly. Weusuallywatchtelevisionandthen I gotobedathalfpasteight. I thinkmyjobisveryinterestingbut I don'tlikegettingupveryearly. Task 1. True or false 1. The writer is a television journalist 2. She drives her car to work 3. She goes home after the programme finishes 4. She goes to bed early during the week 5. She works with her husband 6. She likes everything about her job Descriptor: A learner -read the text for general - identifies True or false sentences After the Formative assessment: Students evaluate each other by “Hand signals” Thumbs Up- “Super” Thumbs side- “Good job” Thumbs down- “Not bad” This formative assessment technique quickly allows the teacher to gauge the understanding of the learners in his/her classroom Writing. Activity 4 Task 1. Level A. What does each person do at work? Write a missing words Do people’s hair Look after sick people n…r…e Take photographs p..oto...ra...her Repair cars Fly planes Pi…o... Look after sick animals Play football Type letters s...c...etr.... Teach children ….ea….h….r Descriptor: A learner -write missing words Task 2. Level B.Write about your favourite professions using the key words. Students should write 5-6 sentences using the key words Key words:Favourite, like, because, in future, Descriptor: -Write a short essay using the key words Task 3. Level C . Write about your favourite profession. 5-6 sentences Descriptor: A learner -Write a short essay without support  

Сабақтың соңы

• What did we learn today? • Plenary . Feedback. Name:______________________________________________________________________ Grade:____________ Self-assessment paper Today I can: Tick - Name at least 6 jobs correctly - Work with my friend and write the names of professions/jobs correctly - Distinguish service jobs/factory jobs/outdoor jobs from each other - Name at least 5 new professions/jobs correctly Teacher uses self-assessment paper to organize a discussion for the feedback  


Файлды ару Professions
