Rivers of the World

Бопраева Жумасулу Толегеновна
Бопраева Жумасулу Толегеновна
Кенкиякская средняя школа
Ағылшын тілі
Earth and our place in it

Rivers of the World

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Оқу мақсаттары (оқу бағдарламасына сілтемеу): <p><br></p><p>9.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings 9.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts 9.UE12 use an increased variety of comparative degree adverb structures with regular and irregular adverbs use a variety of pre-verbal, post-verbal and end-position adverbs on a range of familiar general and curricular topics&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
Сабақтың мақсаты: <p><br></p><p>All learners will be able to: • Summarize information from the text about the river Thames and the river Esil • Recognize how adverbs modify adjectives and where adverbs are used in a sentence. • Identify adverb use in a text. Most learners will be able to: • Analyze information from the text about rivers of the world and use it as a basis for discussion. Some learners will be able to: • Plan, write and edit a diary describing the rivers.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
Тілдік мақсаттар: <p>Learn new words according to the text</p><p><br></p>
Күтілетін нәтиже: <p>Students can talk about rivers in the world</p><p><br></p>
Бағалау критерийлері: <p><br></p><p>Form ideas effectively and demonstrate the ability to express them clearly Find particular facts and parts in reading passage, Apply pre-verbal, post-verbal and end-position adverbs accurately.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
Құндылықтарды дарыту: <p><br></p><p>Respecting and protecting the environment.</p>
АКТ-ны қолдану дағдылары: <p><br></p><p>Smart board for showing a presentation, getting additional information, playing the audio, video files.</p>
Пәнаралық байланыс: <p><br></p><p>Social studies.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
Бастапқы білім: <p><br></p><p>An opinion essay.&nbsp;</p>

Сабақ барысы

Сабақ кезеңдері Жоспарланған іс-әрекет Ресурстар

Сабақтың басы

<p><br></p><p>The lesson greeting. The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson. Warm up. Tell Ss to wish best wishes to each other. I wish you good luck, good marks,…… Checking hometask. Vocabulary and grammar activities.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p><p>CD</p><p>Activeboard</p><p>tasks from internet</p><p><br></p>

Сабақтың ортасы

<p><br></p><p>New words, Exercise 2 p 37 Read the text again and answer the questions. Exercise 3 Complete the table on your notebook . Then present the rivers to the class using the completed table. Length Capital city it flows through River side attrac tions Activities people can do there Thames Esil Descriptors: Complete all charts Write full information Present to the class&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p><br></p><p>Board Pictures Projector Internet Presentation Video and images Handouts with task CD&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

Сабақтың соңы

<p><br></p><p>Giving the hometask. Collect information about another river in your country or around the world.&nbsp;</p> <p>Complete table chart</p>


<p><br></p><p>“Text message”</p> <p><br></p><p>Stickers Mobile phone</p>


Файлды ару Rivers of the World
