Jobs / Professions

Бакажанова Нурия Орынбасаровна
Бакажанова Нурия Орынбасаровна
Ақтөбе облысы
Хромтау қаласы
Государственное учреждение «Хромтауская гимназия №6»
Ағылшын тілі
The world of work

Jobs / Professions

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Оқу мақсаттары (оқу бағдарламасына сілтемеу): use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers; understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics; ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics;  
Сабақтың мақсаты: All learners will be able to: • learn vocabulary for jobs. • categorize jobs. • talk about jobs I would like.  
Тілдік мақсаттар: use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers; understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics; ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics;  
Күтілетін нәтиже: All learners will be able to: • learn vocabulary for jobs. • categorize jobs. • talk about jobs I would like.  
Бағалау критерийлері: • Give feedback to others orally • Recognize detailed information in a short conversation with some support • Make up basic interrogative sentences and get information about the topic  
Құндылықтарды дарыту: Labour and creativity, cooperation
АКТ-ны қолдану дағдылары:,    interactive board, computer, laptop  
Пәнаралық байланыс: Kazakh, Russian
Бастапқы білім: Values

Сабақ барысы

Сабақ кезеңдері Жоспарланған іс-әрекет Ресурстар

Сабақтың басы

<p>Greet students; students respond to greeting and take their places. Hello, boys and girls! How are you?&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p>Lesson Opening and Warm-Up • Greeting learners: Hello! How are you? • Teacher introduces lesson objectives to the students</p><p>Presentation of the new vocabulary: Vocabulary.(words with pictures) The teacher presents new vocabulary with pictures on the interactive board. Dentist,nurse,farmer, housewife, driver, teacher, astronaut, cook /chef , receptionist, businesswoman, photographer, mechanic, factory worker, actor, pilot. Drilling(in chorus, individual, in a small group) Guess the word (Comprehension). Learners are going to play the game “Guess the word”. Task: mime/ give the definition of the words for others to guess. Descriptor: - Choose a word - Mime/ give the definition. - Guess. Show a video “Who am I” and ask learners to guess the topic of the lesson. (Professions)&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Games and activities to use with flashcards “Flash!” and “Lipreading” “What’s missing?” “Differentiation by task” For less able learners the teacher gives the task to mime the word. For more able learners – to give the definition. Play Mime game using the words in Exercise 1. • See Games Bank on page 28 Formative assessment: Good job!&nbsp;&nbsp;

Сабақтың ортасы

<p>- How do you think, what are we going to speak about? - Yes, today we are going to speak about “Jobs” Ask students to look at the laptop in front of them. To do the tasks. Task 1. First, listen to the dialogue and place the images in order. Write the name of the professions. Then check. Task 2. Watch the animation. Choose a word that matches each picture. Task 3. Using the picture complete the gaps. Now children open your student’s books page 39. Exercise 2 Look again at the jobs in exercise 1 and answer the questions. Which jobs … • are in a hotel? • are in transport? • are creative? • involve making things? • involve working for a company? • Put students into small groups. • Ask them to look at the photos. • Ask students to read and answer the questions. Encourage them to agree on their answers as a group rather than come up with a long list of alternatives. • One member from each group reads out the group’s guesses.</p><p> I see that you are tired, now stand up, look at the board and let’s dance «Action Song»</p><p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Formative assessment: thumb down, thumb up “Differentiation by support” Learners can be supported through instructions/ prompts Formative assessment: Medals Formative assessment: with verbal “Well done!” “Differentiation by pace” Answers In a hotel: receptionist, chef In transport: pilot, mechanic Creative: chef, photographer, actor Making things: factory worker, chef In a company: businessman/woman Formative assessment: Peer assessment, learners check each other “Differentiation by pace” learners have to be achieved within a limited time.;&nbsp;</p><p></p>

Сабақтың соңы

<p>Exercise 3. I put students in pairs to ask and answer the questions. Which jobs do you think … • have long hours? • are interesting? • make a lot of money? • are difficult? • need languages? • make you famous? • help people? Exercise 4. I give students a few minutes to write a couple of sentences about two jobs they think they are the best and why. - Let’s make up cinquain about “Jobs” It is a kind of poem consisting of 5 lines. You will be given 4 minutes. Reflection:“Draw your brain” Draw a brain in the exercise book and fill it with words they have learnt during that lesson&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Home work will be Exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4 on page 27 of the Workbook&nbsp;</p> “Differentiation by outcome” Learners have to achieve the same result ,the same progress at the end of the lesson Formative assessment: with verbal “Well done!” Differentiation by support&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;


The lesson objectives were realistic in all stages of reading activities: pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading. Learners achieved the lesson objectives according to the objective differentiation and their ability. Planned differentiation worked successfully.
