
Утешкалиева Зайнура Бекбулатовна
Утешкалиева Зайнура Бекбулатовна
Батыс - Қазақстан облысы
Орал қаласы
СШ №19
Ағылшын тілі


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Transport All learners will be able to: • Say names of some transport intelligibly • Produce a simple picture of coloured vehicles Most learners will be able to: • Understand some factual questions about transport • Respond appropriately to some yes/no questions • Use some short form answers correctly • Respond to some information questions about animals correctly Some learners will be able to: • Use present simple forms correctly in narration  

Сабақ барысы

Сабақ кезеңдері Жоспарланған іс-әрекет Ресурстар

Planned timings


The teacher greets pupils by saying. The teacher introduces the lesson objectives. -Good morning kids! -Good morning teacher! -How are you? -We are all right, thank you! Today we are going to learn new words, listen to the sounds of transport and guess them and finally colour the objects. Also we’ll sing a song about different ways of transport. (D) Teacher demonstrates and drills pronunciation for types of transport: • bus • car • bike • school bus • tram [walking] train using visuals and actions. Teacher then flashes cards and nominates individual learners to produce words.   Flashcards 


(10-13 - minutes)

  Teacher demonstrates what learners have to do with a worksheet. Teacher then reads out the instructions to the pupils to colour the means of transport. Listening and putting objects on and colouring different parts of a getting to school transport scene card. Colour the plane grey. Write number 1 on the plane. Colour the boat orange and black. Colour the train blue and pink. Colour the bridge brown. Colour the bus red. Colour the road grey. Colour the car green. Colour the river blue. Colour the man on the bike purple and yellow.   Worksheet colouring 1



(W) Teacher plays sounds and learners say where people are, e.g. [bus bell rings]. Learners answer a bus Teacher drills: That’s right. They’re on a bus. The pupils listen to the sounds of transport and try to guess them. They elicit the answers and repeat the words in chorus or individually. They tick the pictures in the worksheets and write the numbers near them. Eg. Number one is (train) Number 2 is (car) Number 3 is (ship) Pupils listen to the song about transport Plenary What was the most interesting/difficult for you today? What new words have you learnt today?   Sounds for transport

