Reading and listening to stories and legends

Утешкалиева Зайнура Бекбулатовна
Утешкалиева Зайнура Бекбулатовна
Батыс - Қазақстан облысы
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СШ №19
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Reading and listening to stories and legends

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Reading and listening to stories and legends All learners will be able: - To say their favourite kind of stories - To write proper nouns with capital letters Most learners will be able: - To put the words in order correctly - To say/write sentences grammatically correct Some learners will be able: - To recognize the legend by pictures

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(15 min)

Organizational moment Setting the aim of the lesson Warm-up (Mind –map) There is a circle with the word “Stories” on the board, and teacher explains students that they should choose the right pictures among all and stick them around the word given(W) Lead-in Learners say what their favourite kind of stories is e.g. fairy, ghost, adventure, horror, science fiction and so on and say why.(I) Differentiation: Less-abled learners are given sentences with gaps I like _____ stories because they have ______ (endings) I enjoy ______ stories because I can _______. I love _______ stories because I want to ____.   Pictures, photos (Appendix 1)


Teacher writes legend on board and give an example of a legend from Kazakh literature then explains what a legend is. Learners say names of any legends either Kazakh or foreign ones discuss in pairs (P) Discussion Learners are shown image of King Arthur on interactive board. They are asked whether they know the legend about him. (or Teacher explains about people, places and objects of the story)(P/G) Pre-teach vocabulary and grammar: Learners are introduced some unknown lexis: e.g knight, century, sword, magician, brave Learners are asked when they use capital letters Possible answers: a word begins with a capital letter when it goes either at the beginning of the sentence, or it is a proper noun, e.g.: Arthur, Excalibur, Merlin, Lancelot, Lancelot, Galahad, Camelot, Guinevere, England   board


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